In light of rising security concerns in Bollywood, Salman Khan, the acclaimed superstar, has fortified his residence in Bandra, Mumbai, by installing bulletproof glass. This proactive measure comes as a reaction to a recently disclosed chargesheet revealing an alleged assassination plot orchestrated by the notorious Bishnoi gang, placing Khan firmly in the spotlight of danger.
Security Upgrade at Galaxy Apartments
Following the unsettling details from a comprehensive 4,590-page chargesheet linked to the murder of Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Baba Siddique, Salman Khan has installed bulletproof glass on the windows and balconies of his upscale residence, Galaxy Apartments. This security measure was instigated just a day after news broke that the Bishnoi gang had Khan in their sights, underlining his critical status as a potential target.
Background of Threats
The threats against Khan are not new; earlier events have raised substantial alarms regarding his safety. In April 2024, gunmen brazenly fired shots at his residence, leading Khan to suspect that he and his family were the intended targets. He has closely linked these incidents to gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, identified as a prime suspect in the attacks. The recent chargesheet indicates that Siddique’s murder was part of a sinister plan following a foiled assassination attempt on Khan, which was thwarted due to the extensive security measures he had in place.
Details from the Chargesheet
The chargesheet uncovered chilling details regarding the plot against Khan:
- The Bishnoi gang explicitly targeted Salman Khan for assassination.
- The murder of Baba Siddique, which took place on October 12, 2024, was part of the gang’s broader agenda to expand their criminal operations.
- Plans to attack Siddique or his son during a public event were scrapped when they failed to appear, demonstrating the gang’s ongoing treachery.
Enhanced Security Measures
Aside from the installation of bulletproof glass, Khan’s luxury residence is now fortified with an array of security upgrades, including:
- High-resolution CCTV cameras strategically installed to monitor and document any suspicious activity.
- Increased security personnel with armed officers now stationed around his property to deter potential threats.
Moreover, Khan has invested in a bulletproof Nissan Patrol SUV valued at approximately ₹2 crore as part of his ongoing security enhancements. These measures highlight the gravity of the threats he faces, particularly after the Bishnoi gang demanded ₹5 crore