In a groundbreaking announcement, JSW MG Motor India has unveiled its latest luxury vehicle, the M9 EV. This sophisticated electric limousine, now officially named ‘MG Select’, promises to revolutionize the electric vehicle (EV) market in India. Set to make its grand debut at the upcoming Mobility Global Expo 2025 in New Delhi, this innovative car is tailored for the luxury segment and is expected to attract a wide audience. From advanced technology to superior comfort features, the MG Select is a compelling option for environmentally-conscious consumers seeking a lavish ride.
Impressive Features of the MG Select
The MG Select stands out for a multitude of reasons. It boasts an opulent interior equipped with ottoman seats, offering a total of eight massage modes for unparalleled relaxation during journeys. This means that passengers can not only travel in comfort but also indulge in a rejuvenating massage while on the move. Additionally, the car is designed with a sophisticated three-zone climate control system, allowing personalized temperature settings for different passengers. Control of these features is made easy via a touchscreen panel conveniently located on the handrail, showcasing the car’s focus on user-friendly technology.
Color Options and Battery Efficiency
Potential buyers will be pleased to know that the MG Select will be available in two elegant color options: Black Pearl and White Pearl. Being an electric vehicle, the battery specifications are crucial. The MG Select comes fitted with a powerful 90 kWh battery, providing an impressive driving range of up to 580 kilometers on a single charge. For added convenience, the vehicle is equipped with an 11 kW charger, capable of fully charging the battery in just 8.5 hours. If you’re in a hurry, the DC fast charging feature can charge the vehicle in only 30 minutes, making it an excellent choice for those with busy lifestyles.
Performance and Specifications
The MG Select is not just about comfort; it also delivers on performance. With a power output of 241 BHP and a torque of 350 Nm, the car can reach a top speed of 180 km/h, positioning it as a powerful contender in the luxury electric vehicle segment. In terms of dimensions, the MG Select measures 5,270 mm in length, 2,000 mm in width, and 1,840 mm in height, with a wheelbase of 3,200 mm. This spacious design underscores its appeal as a luxury limousine, ideally suited for those who value both style and substance.
Availability and Launch Details
The MG Select will be showcased at the Mobility Global Expo 2025, which will take place from January 17 to January 22, 2025, at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi. This expo will feature numerous automotive companies displaying their latest innovations, making it an ideal platform for revealing the future of luxury electric vehicles. Alongside the MG Select, the MG M9 EV will also be available for purchase, further expanding the brand’s portfolio in the EV market.
With its remarkable features, impressive battery life, and a focus on luxury, the MG Select is well-positioned to attract consumers in the growing electric vehicle market. As electric mobility gains traction, this limousine represents a bold step forward for MG Motor India, combining sustainability with luxury in a single package.