The excitement surrounding the release of Hera Pheri 3 has taken the internet by storm. With Akshay Kumar, Sunil Shetty, and Paresh Rawal reuniting for this much-anticipated sequel, the return of legendary filmmaker Priyadarshan as the director has added even more buzz. The announcement coincided with Kumar’s birthday, sparking a sea of memes and reactions on social media. Currently trending on platforms like X (formerly Twitter), the hashtag #HeraPheri3 signifies that audiences are already predicting box office earnings in the range of ₹600 crores for this humorous blockbuster.
Fans’ Anticipation for Hera Pheri 3
Viewers are highly enthusiastic about witnessing the iconic trio of Shyam, Raju, and Babbu Bhaiya back in action. The fact that Priyadarshan, who played a pivotal role in shaping Akshay Kumar’s career in comedy, is directing the film is being hailed as excellent news. Given the initial confusion regarding the film’s direction, fans can now breathe a sigh of relief as Priyadarshan officially joins the project.
What Are People Saying About Hera Pheri 3?
Social media is abuzz with comments about the film. One user on X stated, “This sequel will take Indian cinema to another level. The theaters are going to witness chaos.” Another added, “Wow, legends are back!” The energy surrounding the film is infectious, with fans sharing their excitement through various memes and posts.
A sequel of the best comedy film of Indian cinema, #HeraPheri is going to be made
and whenever the film is released it will break all records because in front of #AkshayKumar, all the actors pale in comedy.
This time #HeraPheri3 will bring a storm in the theatres— Rahul Gupta (@RahulGu04197245) January 30, 2025
Fans have also shared iconic scenes from previous installments, reminiscing about memorable moments like the “Ab maja aayega na bido” scene, noting that this is a significant event for Indian cinema. One user nostalgically shared the classic track Aye Meri Zohra Jabi, lamenting, “Bollywood just doesn’t make songs like this anymore!”
Bollywood just doesn’t make songs like this anymore! 😭 Hera Pheri had the perfect mix of fun, disco beats, and those iconic vocals. 🔥 Such a classic! Can’t wait to see what #HeraPheri3 brings — hoping it brings that magic back! ✨ #HeraPheriForever #90sVibes #BollywoodNostalgia
— Kashmir Nama (@naaz_mahar) January 31, 2025
Additionally, memorable lines from Hera Pheri such as “Mere ko to aisa dhak dhak ho raha hai… chor ke ghar mein chori” and “Uthale re baba… uthale… mere ko nahi re… in dono gareebon ko uthale…” have become a nostalgic highlight, showcasing the film’s unique humor that resonates with fans.
Collaboration Between Priyadarshan and Akshay Kumar
Currently, Akshay Kumar is also working on another project titled Bhut Bangla, which is directed by Priyadarshan. The film has already begun shooting and is set to release in 2026. This collaboration marks a long-awaited reunion between Kumar and Priyadarshan, further heightening the excitement surrounding both upcoming films.
With a dynamic cast, a renowned director, and high expectations from fans, Hera Pheri 3 promises to be a significant milestone in Indian cinema, eagerly awaited by audiences worldwide.