The Malayalam action thriller Marco, directed by the talented Haneef Adeni, stars Unni Mukundan in a gripping lead role. Since its exhilarating release on December 20, 2024, the film has taken the box office by storm, amassing approximately ₹51.85 crore in net earnings within just the first 17 days. With such impressive performance and audience reception, Marco strengthens its place in the competitive landscape of Indian cinema.
Overview of Marco
Marco serves as a captivating spin-off of the 2019 blockbuster Mikhael. The movie boasts a talented ensemble cast including Jagadish, Siddique, Yukti Thareja, Anson Paul, and Kabir Duhan Singh. The gripping narrative revolves around a man’s relentless quest for justice following a heinous attack on his family, tapping into themes of vengeance and resilience that resonate deeply with audiences. The film is underpinned by a powerful musical score from Ravi Basrur and striking cinematography by Chandru Selvaraj, helping it to transcend language barriers and reach viewers in Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil.
Day-wise Collection
Here is the day-wise collection breakdown for Marco:
- Day 1: ₹4.3 Cr
- Day 2: ₹4.65 Cr
- Day 3: ₹5.2 Cr
- Day 4: ₹3.9 Cr
- Day 5: ₹3.5 Cr
- Day 6: ₹3.5 Cr
- Day 7: ₹2.55 Cr
- Week 1 Total: ₹27.6 Cr
- Day 8: ₹2.3 Cr
- Day 9: ₹2.7 Cr
- Day 10: ₹3.1 Cr
- Day 11: ₹1.6 Cr
- Day 12: ₹1.35 Cr
- Day 13: ₹3.4 Cr
- Day 14: ₹1.85 Cr
- Week 2 Total: ₹16.3 Cr
- Day 15: ₹2.1 Cr
- Day 16: ₹2.75 Cr
- Day 17: ₹3.1 Cr
- Day 18 (Projected): ₹0.50 Cr
Day 18 Predictions
According to early estimates from the box office tracking platform Sacnilk, Marco is projected to earn around ₹0.50 crore on its eighteenth day. This slight decline is to be expected as the film enters its third week in theaters, yet it still signifies robust earnings for this action-packed thriller, showcasing its appeal over time.
Audience Reception
Upon its release, Marco garnered positive reviews for its intense action sequences and Unni Mukundan‘s compelling performance. These factors have contributed to its continued popularity at the box office. The film maintains strong occupancy rates, appealing to a diverse demographic as evidenced by its performance across various language markets, thereby strengthening its standing in the Malayalam film industry.
With an engaging storyline and stellar performances, Marco impresses both audiences and critics alike as it transitions towards the latter part of its theatrical run. The film’s success marks a significant achievement for Unni Mukundan, solidifying his reputation as a leading actor in the vibrant Malayalam cinema landscape.
The box office data presented in this article is compiled from various sources and may be subject to updates as new information becomes available. The figures are approximations and should not be considered definitive until officially confirmed by reliable box office tracking entities.